Unlock the entire genome and enhance the discovery
potential of your single-cell genomics with ResolveDNA.
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ResolveDNA Whole Genome Amplification Kits overcome the inherent challenges of low coverage uniformity in single-cell genomics that lead to increased sequencing costs and complex data analysis.

The controlled reaction parameters employed in this PTA-based kit enables reproducible recovery of >95% of the genomes of single cells and limited DNA input samples with industry-leading uniformity and accuracy.

Key features and benefits of ResolveDNA Whole Genome Amplification Kits include:

  • Complete genomic coverage with bulk sample quality from a single cell
  • Significantly lower allelic dropout and biases compared to existing WGA methods that yield low and variable coverage across the genome
  • Specific amplification of the primary template with >97% of reads mapping to the human genome
  • Low-cost, scalable approach to WGA with up to 384 reactions per kit
  • Simple, user-friendly workflow that can be set up with automation
  • Protocols available to create libraries for whole genome sequencing (WGS) or hybridization capture for whole exome or targeted panel sequencing
ResolveDNA Whole Genome Amplification Kits offer superior coverage and uniformity in single-cell WGS.

Ten single cells were isolated from a human B-lymphocyte cell culture (CEPH1463/NA12878/ GM12878 human genome reference standard). WGA was performed on individual cells, using the ResolveDNA Whole Genome Amplification Kit. WGA products were converted to indexed libraries and subjected to high-coverage whole genome sequencing (WGS) on the Illumina® platform. For the other WGA methods, low-pass WGS data (generated from individual BJ1 fibroblasts), were obtained from a previously published study (Chen, C. et al. Science 2017; 356: 189).

To achieve a fair comparison of the various WGA methods, raw data for all samples were aligned and pre-processed for variant calling using the same pipeline. All metrics shown in the table were generated from randomly subsampled BAM files (300 million reads per cell). Note that the metrics for all the methods other than the ResolveDNA kit are overestimates, due to the way in which data analysis was performed in the original study. ResolveDNA metrics were generated using the first version of the ResolveDNA Whole Genome Amplification Kit. The newer ResolveDNA Whole Genome Single-Cell Core Kit achieves similar metrics with a noted increase of SNV sensitivity to 96%


MSDS (ResolveDNA V2)

ResolveDNA supports workflows for whole genome sequencing (WGS) and exome or targeted panel sequencing

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