Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
We do direct sales in the UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Contact us for more information.
DIATECH Lab Line s.r.l.
Address: Via Ignazio Silone 1b, 60035 lesi (AN) - Italy
Website: labline.it
Email: info@labline.it
Phone Number: +39 0731 213243
UK & Ireland
Cambridge Bioscience
Website: bioscience.co.uk/suppliers/bioskryb
Email: sales@bioscience.co.uk
Email: support@bioscience.co.uk
Phone Number: 01223 316 855
Spain and Portugal
Address: Calle de los Restauradores, 6, 28830 San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Website: cultek.com
Email: info@cultek.com
Phone Number: +34 917 290 333
Address: 7 rue Leo Lagrange 27950 Saint-Marcel (France)
Website: proteigene.com
Email: info@proteigene.com
Phone Number: +33 (0)232 644 545
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary
ITA Intertact
Address: Cernokostelecká 616/143, Praha 10, 108 00, Czech Republic
Website: ita-intertact.com
Email: obchod@ita-intertact.com
Phone Number: +420 776 484 982
Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland
Techtum Lab
Address: Västra Finnbodavägen 4B, SE-131 30 Nacka, Sweden
Website: techtum.se
Email: info@techtum.se
Phone Number: +46 (0)90778880
Eldan Eletronic Instruments
Address: 6 Hashiloach St. Petach-Tikva 4917001, Israel
Email: Admin-Orders@eldan.biz
Phone Number: +972-3-9371123
Altium International
Address: ul. Pulawska 303, 02-785 Warszawa
Website: perlan.com
Email: bio@perlan.com.pl
Phone Number: +48 22 549 14 00
Australia & New Zealand
Integrated Sciences Pty Ltd
Address: 54 Gibbes Street, Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia
Website: integratedsci.com.au
Email: tech@integratedsci.com.au
Phone Number: +61 2 9417 7866, Toll-free: 1800 252 204 (Australia), Toll-free: 0800 448 340 (NZ)
Biostar Technology Limited
Address: Level 7, Building 3A, 299 Longcao Road, Xuhui, Shanghai China 200030
Website: bio-star.cn
Email: marketing@bio-star.cn
Phone Number: +86 21 3425 0079
Rich Biotech Limited
Address: Room 3127, Zhongtai Tower, No.3 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Email: ruichenghuatai@163.com
Phone Number: +86 10 85564654
Primetech Corporation
Address: Koishikawa Daikoku Bldg 2F, 1-3-25, Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-0002
Website: primetech.co.jp
Email: reagents@primetech.co.jp
Phone Number: +81 3 3816 0851
Research Instruments Pte. Ltd.
Address: 1 Clementi Loop, #06-01, Singapore 129808
Website: ri.com.sg
Email: info@ri.com.sg
Phone Number: +65 6571 0888
South Korea
MDxK (Molecular Diagnostics Korea) Inc.
Address: A-801, D-tech Tower, 33, Gwacheon-daero 7-gil, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13840, Republic of Korea
Website: mdxk.co.kr
Email: info@mdxk.co.kr
Phone Number: +82-2-578-8848
KimForest Enterprise Co., LTD
Address: 30F., No.97, Sec.1, Xintai 5th Road, Xizhi District, New Taipei City 221, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Website: kimforest.com
Email: hsj@kimforest.com
Phone Number: +886 2697 6888
Genotypic Technology Private Limited
Address: #2/13, Balaji Complex, 80 feet road, Poojari Layout, R.M.V Second Stage, Bangalore 560094 India
Website: genotypic.co.in
Email: genomics@genotypic.co.in
Phone Number: +91 80 40538300
RI Technologies Ltd.
Address: 1244 Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Thailand
Website: ri.co.th
Email: info@ri.co.th
Phone Number: +66 2318 0945 – 8
Research Instruments Vietnam Company Limited
Address: Head Office - Ho Chi Minh, 7th Floor Worc@Q2 Building, No. 21 Vo Truong Toan, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh Vietnam
Website: rivn.com.vn
Email: sales@rivn.com.vn
Phone Number: +84 287 3005 556